Welcome to the Senior Department
Welcome to the Senior Department, home to Years 4 to 8.
In their first year here, Year 4, pupils have a form base where they have their English and Maths lessons. They start to take advantage of the wonderful facilities and have some lessons in specialist rooms. The Senior Department includes specialist Art and Design Technology rooms, two Computing suites, Science laboratories, a theatre, sports hall and much more.
In Year 5 pupils move to specialist classrooms and teachers for all subjects. Alongside traditional academic subjects, all students have weekly Art, Design Technology, Music, Computing and PE lessons, as well as two games sessions per week.
There is also a huge variety of extra-curricular activities for pupils to take part in, from sports fixtures to whole year productions. Concerts and performances throughout the year provide a wide range of musical opportunities, and pupils can also shine in art and DT. Each year group enjoys a residential trip away, as well as many day trips around Surrey and London.
Pupils are well-prepared academically, and there is a greater emphasis on exam and interview preparation in the build up to entrance and pre-tests in Year 6. In Year 8 all pupils take on positions of responsibility, such as a Prefect or mentoring Year 4 pupils.
Key People
Mr Mark Turner
Mr Alex Churcher
Head of Pastoral Care
Mr Martin Shore
Deputy Head
Leavers’ Destinations
We work in close partnership with families to ensure that each child goes onto the right senior school for them. We are proud of the wide range of schools pupils attend, including day, boarding, co-ed & single sex schools. Many also achieve scholarships, varying from academic and all-round to art, music, design technology and drama.
The process starts in Year 4 with a future schools talk, and staff guide families through selection and entrance exams. We enjoy good relationships with a huge range of schools, and are committed to find the school that best suits the child.