Wellbeing and Pastoral Care
Pastoral care extends to the whole family. We recognise that starting the school journey is a new experience and encourage parents to share information, discuss concerns and ask for advice. We also recognise that children thrive when school and parents work together.
We are delighted to have recently been awarded the IQM’s (Inclusion Quality Mark) Inclusive School Award. The award is a nationally recognised framework that recognises a school’s efforts to be inclusive, and their ongoing commitment to provide the very best education for all children. Over a two-day visit the assessor met with pupils, parents, Governors, teaching and non-teaching staff, as well as observing clubs and lessons. You can read the report summary here, which highlighted the strength of the induction process, the quality of teaching staff, and children’s love for school.
Transition and Settling In
The term before children join Caterpillars, parents are invited to an information evening, where they have the chance to talk to staff and meet their child’s key carer. The Head of Nursery delivers a presentation explaining the curriculum, pastoral care and settling in procedures. Parents will also receive an information welcome pack.
At the start of the term, parents and children are invited to a ‘stay and play’ session which allows parents to explore the classroom and activities with their child and chat informally to the staff. The following day the children attend for a shorter session to help with settling in.
In the spring term before they join, pupils have the chance to meet teachers and other children in a ‘Welcome to King’s House’ morning. They participate in activities such as music, PE and free flow in the outdoor learning area, getting to know their surroundings. In the Summer Term, this is followed by induction sessions. Parents and children meet each other and their teachers, and have the chance to ask any questions to key members of staff.
Junior Department
At the end of the Summer Term parents can meet teachers and socialise with staff and other parents at the information evening. There is also a “Moving up Morning”, where pupils spend time in school with their new class and teacher. Curriculum Evenings in the Autumn Term give parents an overview of the upcoming year, as well as informal coffee mornings.
Pupils starting in Year 4 will also have the chance to attend a transition morning with their year group. In other years, pupils will attend a a taster morning and be partnered with a friendship buddy.
Key Staff
Effective pastoral care helps pupils feel at ease, grow in confidence and give of their best. Our small class sizes mean that we know our pupils very well, appreciate their various strengths and weaknesses and can ensure that pastoral care is excellent.
Alongside the House system, the Form or Class Teacher is responsible for day-to-day pastoral care, alongside the Head of Years.
Form and Class Teachers work with the Head of Pastoral Care and Senior Management Team to ensure that each child is supported.

Mrs Rebecca Lane
Head of Learning Development

Mr Alex Churcher
Head of Pastoral Care
Health and Wellbeing
The pupils’ health and wellbeing are of paramount importance.
- In the Nursery all staff hold a full paediatric Level 2 qualification. The Head of Nursery and Class Teachers take responsibility for all medication and allergies.
- A fully qualified nurse works full time across all departments and manages daily medical needs and health issues. The majority of the teachers also hold a first aid qualification.
- Dietary requirements and allergies are shared each year by the Nurse to catering and school staff.
King’s House School is a happy, inclusive and supportive community which welcomes families from all religious and cultural backgrounds. We work with families to ensure individual needs are attended to.
- On joining the Nursery, parents are asked to identify which special days families celebrate. Parents and children are then invited to share these celebrations with the class – this provides a wonderful opportunity for all to learn about other cultures and countries.
- School assemblies celebrate the traditional Christian Festivals of Harvest, Remembrance, Advent, Christmas and Easter. These ideas are explored further in PSHE lessons and are promoted in practice throughout the school.
- The Religious Studies curriculum covers the main world religions and an atmosphere of mutual respect is nurtured through circle time, assemblies and visiting speakers.
The Governors and the Headmaster fully recognise the School’s responsibilities for safeguarding and child protection, particularly the role we can fulfil as part of a wider system of safeguarding.
For further information please see the School’s Safeguarding Policy on our Policies page
PSHEE – Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
- PSHEE refers to all aspects of school life – the thinking, planning, teaching and organisation which are designed to contribute to the process of growing up, getting on with other people, formation of values, and preparation of children for responsibility in adult life.
- PSHEE encourages pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work.
For further information please see the School’s PSHEE Policy on our Policies page