Year 7 and 8 at King’s House

Many of our pupils choose to stay on until 13+ for Years 7 and 8, before going on to Senior School. The last two years provide the opportunity for pupils to develop confidence in small class sizes taught by subject specialists, taking on roles of responsibility such as House Captain. We are delighted that girls will be able to join Year 7 from September 2025, and please get in touch at to find out more.

Pastoral Care

Pupils remain in 3 forms, with between 10 and 15 pupils in each; small class sizes allow staff to really know each child. The Heads of Year 7 and 8 work alongside form teachers to support pupils, supported by the Head of Pastoral Care and wider staff team.

All of Year 8 are buddies to Year 4, meeting regularly over the year and ensuring the younger pupils have a familiar face in the Senior Department. Year 8 pupils also have a responsibility role, such as Head Boy, Football Captain, or Young Enterprise Leader. They lead the School Council, ensuring the pupil voice is well represented to staff. The whole year tour parents around the school on Visitor’s Morning, and the Head Boy team work closely with Senior Management to assist at events throughout the year.

Workshops run by guest speakers are held throughout the year on various topics including gender equality, race, inclusion, and mental health & vulnerabilities.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

Before and after school clubs are led by a combination of internal and external providers, whilst break and lunchtime clubs are led by students’ interests. Year 7 and 8 often choose to lead lunchtime clubs for younger pupils, and this year this includes a STEM Club for Year 4. Year 8 pupils have the chance to mentor the Year 7 Young Enterprise team, assisting with the organisation of fundraising events throughout the year.

Each year group from Year 3 upwards enjoys a residential trip in the Summer Term, and there are often additional subject-led residentials. Year 7 visit Belgium and Year 8 France during their residential trips. In October 2023 the PE Department led a football tour to Barcelona for Year 7 and 8, and previous trips have included an English & Drama visit to New York. Year 7 visit Rocks Lane in Barnes for a survival day, developing their team building skills.

The Curriculum

Years 7 and 8 following the ISEB Common Entrance, with a small group of pupils taking scholarship exams. From September 2024 we will also use the PSB (Pre-Senior Baccalaureate) for humanities subjects, encouraging investigative, research and team work skills through more independent projects. All subjects are timetabled for at least an hour a week:

  • French, Geography, Music, Art, Design Technology, Latin, RS, PSHE, Computing, Drama, PE, Games, History, English, Maths and Science

In Years 7 and 8 pupils are streamed into three forms for most subjects, with two mixed ability parallel sets and a higher group. Within the parallel classes, pupils are usually in sets for Latin and Maths.

Following the Common Entrance exams, all of Year 8 take part in the ‘ACE’ programme – ‘After Common Entrance’. To celebrate the end of their time at King’s House, pupils enjoy a wide range of trips, guest speakers, and activities. In the past this has included:

  • Residential trip to France
  • Thorpe Park trip
  • ACE Fair – organised by Year 8 pupils, fundraising for a local charity
  • Design Technology sustainability project with Reception
  • Workshops led by external speakers on a wide range of topics in preparation for senior school
  • Talks from King’s House alumni
  • Writing and producing their own Year 8 Cabaret Show

The ACE programme is a wonderful end to pupils’ time at King’s House, providing many memories that last a lifetime.

Key People

A team of form teachers is supported by key staff, including:

Ms Bella Kirk

Ms Bella Kirk

Head of Year 7 / Head of History


Mr Andy Austin

Mr Andy Austin

Head of Year 8 / PE & Games Teacher


Mr Alex Churcher

Mr Alex Churcher

Head of Pastoral Care


Mrs Rebecca Lane

Mrs Rebecca Lane

Head of Learning Development


Mr Martin Shore

Mr Martin Shore

Deputy Head


Mr Mark Turner

Mr Mark Turner




Leavers’ Destinations

Staff work with families to find the right senior school for each child, and we are proud of the wide range of day, boarding, single-sex and co-ed schools our pupils go on to. Pupils have also received scholarships in a wide range of subjects, including academics, sport, music, and arts.


Following a fantastic start to the move to co-ed with girls joining Reception and Year 1 in September 2024, we are delighted that girls will also be able to join Year 7 from September 2025. 

The decision to accept girls into Year 7 has once again been driven by requests from parents and the belief that co-education is the way forward for King’s House, shown in the significant number of pupils who now move onto co-ed senior schools at 11 and 13. The school has received significant interest from parents of girls who are considering 13+ boarding options for senior school and would like their daughters to attend a local day school for Years 7 and 8. If you’d like to find out more, please contact us on .