Year 7 and 8 Buddhism Workshops

We were lucky enough for one of our neighbours, Ginger Chih, to come and speak to Year 7 and 8 about the Dalai Lama. Ginger researches Tibetan Buddhist teachings and its meditative practices, travelling the world to photograph the Tibetan Diaspora. She has published the book ‘The Falai Lama: Leadership and the Power of Compassion’, and has kindly donated a copy to the library. 

Hear from Ben in Year 8 about the workshop: 

‘Picture this! Imagine researching the Tibetan people and their culture for over 10 years, and then actually spending 5 weeks with the Dalai Lama! Well, that’s exactly what Ginger Chih did! Then I ask you to imagine Ginger coming to our school and talking to us about it …

On Friday 12th January the Year 7 and 8 pupils were given such a treat! Ginger was very kind and excited to talk about the topic she knew so well. Many students were excited to ask questions and seemed very invested in finding out more. She covered everything from when the Dalai Lama was a child to him today in vast detail. Even the teachers started asking questions in the end!

Overall, it was a very interesting experience and I hope to read her book in the library which was kindly donated by her and I am sure that many of the younger years would enjoy reading on the subject as well.

Finally, I would like to thank the people who helped make the talk happen and I am sure many other year 7 and 8 pupils would say the same.’