Register your Child

Please complete the form(s) below for boys or girls to register for King’s House Nursery, alongside paying the £120 registration fee. Click here to view the bank account details.

Nursery places are offered approximately two terms before entry.

When you are offered a place at King’s House Nursery, you will be asked to complete an Acceptance Contract and pay a deposit of £750 which is returned to you when your child leaves, less any extras.

For more information on applying to the Nursery please contact the Registrar, Mrs Sally Bass, on 020 8940 1878 or .


Registration Form

Registration Form (Boys and Girls)

First Parent / Guardian

2nd Parent / Guardian

Some description about this section


We request that the name of our above-named child be registered as a prospective pupil. A bank transfer or cheque for the non-returnable registration fee of £120 (inclusive of VAT) will be made or enclosed.

We understand that the terms and conditions of the School will undergo reasonable changes from time to time as circumstances require and will apply in all our dealings with the School.

We understand also that the School (through the Head, as the person responsible) may obtain, process and hold personal information about our child, including sensitive information such as medical details, and we consent to this for the purposes of assessment and, if a place is later offered, in order to safeguard and promote the welfare of the child.

Account Name: King's House School 

Account Number: 00349215

Sort Code: 30-97-06

Reference: REG followed by Child's full name