Partnership with Parents
At King’s House Nursery we working in partnership with parents and carers is fundamental to everything we do to support families and children.
The Early Years Foundation Stage steps provide a rounded picture of your children’s learning and development. Families will have the opportunity to hear about their child’s progress at parent meetings (Hedgehog Class in your child’s first term, Squirrels/Rabbits Class in the Autumn and Spring terms).
We have an open door policy: good communication between home and school is essential and we can always arrange a phone call or an appointment when needed. We use an app called Arc to send home photographs and observations, and as a tool to share information. It also allows you as parents to share photographs and information from home so we start to build a picture of each child.
Parents are encouraged to communicate any questions as soon as possible to Nursery staff or the Head of Nursery. We also send home an email every Monday detailing the week’s learning objectives, and there is a biweekly Nursery newsletter.
If immediate news needs to be communicated, parents are contacted via email or Arc.
Building good relationships, communicating and working in partnerships with our parents support the children’s learning, as they develop into confident little learners ready for their next steps at school.