The Friends of King’s House School
The King’s House School Parents’ Association is known as The Friends of King’s House. All parents are automatically members.
Their primary functions are fundraising, and organising social occasions to enhance the community life of the School for parents and children. These events help give pupils a sense that their school life is important and embraces the whole family.
The Friends is run by a committee of parents and teachers. It currently comprises 13 parent members and two teachers. The money raised helps to buy extra equipment and pay for activities. It also helps to finance improvements to school facilities and support local charities.
Events and Achievements
Popular social events include:
- Quiz Night
- Summer and Christmas fairs
- Christmas drinks party for parents from Years 4 to 8
- Movie Night in the Junior Department
- Disco Night in the Senior Department
- Themed parent/children evenings
The Friends’ major achievements include:
- Raised over £200,000 since 2005
- Contributed to the cost of the Junior Department’s new playground
- Purchased iPads for use across the School
- Purchased violins for Year 2 pupils
- Purchased a video camera for recording school performances
- Purchased Nursery playground equipment
- Funded workshops and outside speakers
- Purchased a kiln for Senior Department Art Room
“There is a thriving Friends of King’s House association which helps bring parents together through fundraising and social events.”
Get Involved
We are always pleased to hear from parents who might consider joining the Committee, especially those interested in taking on specific roles, such as Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Form Rep. You would be asked to attend two evening meetings per term, to plan events and discuss possible ways of spending money raised.
If you are interested in joining the committee or have any comments that you think would be helpful, please get in touch via email. We value feedback on past events and welcome suggestions for things that we might try in the future.