Pupil Information Sheet Y5-8 Pupil Information SheetΔFirst NameLast NameDOBYear- Select -Year 5Year 6Year 7Year 8Form- Select -5H5M5T6C6D6J6P7B7G7K8A8P8SYear Started at King's House- Select -NurseryReceptionYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6Year 7Year 8Parent's OccupationsSiblings (Names, Ages, Schools)Favourite Subject(s)Musical pursuits in school - eg choirs, ensembles, instruments learnt (with grades)Musical pursuits outside school - eg choirs, groups, instruments learnt (with grades)Drama or performance activities - plays etcArt, design or model-making interestsSporting achievements in school - what teams did you play for this/last year, any awards etcSporting achievements outside school - what teams did you play for this/last year, any awards etcFavourite authors or booksSchool clubs you have taken part in recentlyInterests or hobbies outside schoolAny other relevant information i.e if you have already visited any other senior schools - please add details.Parent Email Address (if entered, a copy of this form will be emailed to you)Submit Form