On the afternoon of Thursday 22 September four Year 5 boys competed in a science challenge at Bradfield College. The aim of the afternoon was to have fun while applying scientific skills in three separate tasks. Firstly, Biology found the boys playing with maggots. This wasn’t their lunch, in fact the boys were observing which light conditions the living critters preferred. Next was Physics, where the boys were tasked to build a music speaker from paper and wire. When hooked up to a magnet and a power supply, the KHS music speaker pumped out Ed Sheeran with great clarity. The final task, Chemistry, saw the boys combining solid and liquid to create an endothermic reaction.
The day ended with a chemistry spectacular from the Bradfield College Head of Chemistry, Mr Singh. There were many “oohs” and “ahhs” from the crowd. And, with the power of chemistry Mr Singh (to the horror of many parents watching) turned wine into water.
The boys did very well, competing with great enthusiasm and joy in all the tasks against another 20 + schools. Winning wasn’t the aim, and nor were we intent on it. We all had fun. Well done boys!
Mr Standen