King’s House School in Richmond is delighted to announce that following the Richmond Planning Committee Meeting on Wednesday 9 February 2022, the committee has resolved to approve planning permission for the redevelopment of the Senior Department at 66-68 King’s Road.
The proposal includes a new specialist teaching block with 6 modern accessible classrooms, new purpose-built areas for drama, music and sport, as well as internal refurbishment works on the existing historic buildings. Navigation and accessibility issues will be improved by creating a new collegiate courtyard at the heart of the school.
Within the new arts block there will be bespoke practice rooms for individual music lessons and an open-plan space at the top for teaching and small music and drama performances.
Mr Mark Turner, Head of King’s House School, said: “This proposal will provide outstanding, modern facilities for the benefit of future generations of children, and represents a major investment in the educational fabric of Richmond, carefully planned, respectful of its neighbours and the St Matthias conservation area.
We are excited to be able to greatly improve accessibility around the Senior Department site. It will enable us to offer a better education and experience to all our pupils and allow the school to fulfil its aim of becoming a truly inclusive and diverse community. This is a transformative project that will future proof the school, and we are delighted it has gained approval.”
The redevelopment will allow King’s House to make much needed improvements to the current level of accessibility and mobility. The classrooms in the new teaching block will be accessible by lift, and the ground floor levelled out to improve access.
Ms Chris Laverty, Chair of Governors, said: “As a Board of Governors, we bear the responsibility to ensure the viability and long term future of this historic school. Therefore, we are delighted that this proposal has been approved, as it future-proofs the site and provides state of the art accessible facilities for pupils, staff and local community groups.”
For more information on the redevelopment, including the application, please visit our website: