King’s House team are runners up in The Fiver Challenge for ‘Best Overall Business’
Congratulations to one of the Entrepreneur Club teams, Book Breedz, who entered Young Enterprise’s Fiver Challenge and have been awarded runners up in the national competition for ‘Best Overall Business’! Lucius, Austin, Arthur, Rufus and Charles all worked very hard during the summer term, researching, planning and running their own business in four weeks with a £5 pledge. Over 24,00 children from across the country signed up to the challenge, so the boys did amazingly well.
Mrs Skelton, who leads Entrepreneur Club, said: “With over 24,000 children across the UK signed up to take part in the challenge this year, this is an incredible achievement and all of us at King’s House are so very proud of the boys! They worked so hard in our weekly club sessions and, as their business journals describe, they didn’t always find the path to setting up their own social enterprise easy. In true entrepreneurial spirit however, they didn’t give up and worked together to solve the challenges they faced, and this award is testimony to their resilience, drive, creativity and teamwork, as well as a wonderful accolade to their fabulous business, Book Breedz.”
Mike Soutar, businessman from The Apprentice, judged the challenge and said: “I was delighted to be asked to help review the business pitches from Newland House School and King’s House School for the Fiver Challenge 2023. It was amazing to see the ingenuity of the ideas and the clarity of thought behind all of the business concepts the students had created. With this generation of young entrepreneurial people coming through the country is in safe hands!”
Book Breedz were fundraising for WWF, and the charity have received their donation of £112. We are looking forward to the Young Enterprise virtual Fiver Showcase in a few weeks’ time, where the boys will outline their experience and explain their business. A huge thank you to Mrs Skelton for leading Entrepreneur Club at King’s House and Newland House School. Well done boys!