Over the last two weeks Caterpillar and Butterfly Class in King’s House Nursery have been celebrating Kindness Week.

We have been talking about how important it is to show kindness, empathy and respect to others. In Butterfly Class they read the book ‘Paper Dolls’ and then each child made a paper doll to create a wonderful display. They then thought of an act of kindness they could do that would make others happy. We have very thoughtful children in the Nursery who are keen to; give a hug, share toys, give someone an ice pack when they are hurt and share their favourite robot toy with friends!

In Caterpillar Class the children have been talking about how to be kind and caring as well. They glued their handprints in a big heart to show that they are all friends. They also have a beautiful kindness tree. When their teachers spot an act of kindness, it is written on a heart and the children hang it on the tree. I was reading through them and what an amazing week the children have had; sharing toys, drawing pictures for their friends and helping tidy away the toys.

Well done Caterpillars and Butterflies!